Over 600 Surnames are included in the publication, with major family lines including:
Abbey, Adams, Adsit, Akin, Aldrich, Allen, Altermatt, Ambrose, Andrews, Ashdown, Atchinson, Austin, Backman, Bailey, Baker, Barnum, Barr, Barrett, Bartlett, Becker, Bedell, Belcher, Bell, Benedict, Berg, Bezzerides, Birchard, Blaney, Bliss, Blount, Bostwick, Bosworth, Bowen, Brauch, Bray, Breunig, Brook, Brown, Bryan, Buckley, Burns, Butler, Button, Calkins, Cameron, Campbell, Caulkins, Chase, Clark, Clawson, Cole, Coleman, Colson, Cook, Coons, Crandall, Crego, Crimmins, Cudney, Darling, Davis, Dayton, Dewitt, Dolan, Douglas, Dusenbury, Eaton, Ellenwood, Elliott, Emmons, Ericson, Estey, Evans, Ferguson, Fitch, Frasier, Frost, Gallant, Gardner, Garrison, Geer, Gibson, Gifford, Gilkerson, Goebel, Goewey, Gordon, Green, Greene, Gutch, Hall, Hamlin, Harkness, Harris, Hawn, Heath, Herrick, Hetzer, Hicks, Hoag, Hodge, Holmes, Hopkins, Hubbard, Hunt, Ingraham, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Joyner, Keller, Kennedy, Kenyon, Kewin, Keysor, King, Knapp, Larkin, Latshaw, Lawrence, Leighton, Lesch, Livermore, Lockwood, Loomis, Loveland, Lucas, Lyon, Marsh, Martin, Marvin, Maxwell, McComas, McCrory, McIntosh, McMillen, McMurray, Mellor, Mewhorter, Millard, Miller, Miner, Mitchell, Mixter, Moon, Moran, Morey, Morgan, Mosher, Munger, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Newman, Nietz, Nute, Olson, Page, Payne, Peacock, Pendell, Perkins, Perrin, Peterman, Peterson, Powers, Price, Reed, Reynolds, Roberts, Robinson, Rousselot, Royce, Russell, Ryan, Safford, Schneider, Schultz, Scotchler, Scott, Seamark, Seymour, Shields, Simpson, Sliter, Smith, Sprague, St. John, Stewart, Stover, Sweeney, Taylor, Thompson, Thorpe, Tilghman, Tubbs, Uttley, Van Aken, Van Antwerp, Van Vranken, Vanderkar, Wall, Wallace, Ward, Waterbury, Welch, Wells, Wesbrook, West, Westfall, White, Wilson, Williams, Wood, Woodbury, Woods, Wright, Young, Youngman, Zilin